our Staff
Dave Shaw
Church Administrator
John Klumpe
Ministry Team Leader
Our story
It began with Jesus of Nazareth. We think he was much more than an ancient legend. His message of love and forgiveness is still relevant today. In fact, we believe that the Bible is a unified story that points to Jesus and is best understood in light of his life and teachings.
We follow in a long line of spiritual revolutionaries. From early church leaders who shunned violence and served the marginalized to radical reformers in the 1600’s who died standing against the fusion of church and state, we desire to live lives which mark our world with grace, peace and truth.
Our church officially formed in the 1960’s as Valparaiso Mennonite Church. We were begun by a group of people who wanted to express a simple faith and, together, live out God’s purposes. Our church and community have always crossed paths, leading to support for the marginalized and a deep connection with each other.
We reformed as Crossing Community Church in 2020. We're a new branch growing from these deeply rooted stories. We’re still pursuing the unchanging love and truth of a relationship with Jesus lived out in a peaceful, simple way. And we’re moving into a new season of creativity, connection and direction which is stretching us to become the church that, in some ways, we’ve always been.
John Dhaemers
Elder Chair
Our Perspective​
We'd love to have a conversation with you. Our worship and teaching on Sundays sets up our time "around the table." We value differing thoughts and perspectives. It's o.k. if not everyone agrees on every matter. What is essential is that all our voices are valued and heard. There's always room at our table for you.
We want to live out what the Bible tells us and what God wants for us. Really. As part of every service, we break up into Connect Groups and dig into what's been shared. Sometimes, it's for encouragement. Sometimes, it's for accountability. Sometimes, it's just to know we're not alone in what's facing us. We do not want to merely hear what's shared, we want to do something about it.
We rally around the Bible. It's really important to us. We take it simply and seriously. We come to the Bible humbly and with grace, not to weaponize its teachings. We come to the Bible in community to be changed by God. This happens on Sundays, but also during Study Groups during the week. At the center of our table is the Bible.
We don't think church is the place to push a political agenda. It's fine for us to vote for whoever we want, but it's not o.k. for that to divide us. Our hope isn't ultimately coming from Washington, Indianapolis or anywhere else. Our focus is on people, not parties. Our pursuit is lasting peace, not physical or economic power.

our Vision
We're passionate about guiding people to walk with Jesus everyday.
We do this by Gathering in Community, Growing as Disciples and Going on Purpose so Our Neighbors and Neighborhoods might see, hear and feel the love of Jesus.